Education Council

The Indigenous Education Council is composed of members from various Indigenous Organizations. Each year, the Indigenous organization partner group appoints a council member to represent their voice. This member is also the conduit between organizations sharing information between the district and their perspective.

Indigenous Organization & their representative:

Houston Friendship Centre – Emma Bowden

Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre – Annette Morgan

Lake Babine Nation – Monty Palmantier, Brenda Joseph, Beatrice Michell, Yvette Guenther

Witset Band Council – Jason Majore

Office of the Wet’suwet’en –  Tara Stewart, Russeo Lewis, Tara McKinnion

Tri River Metis Association – Arlene Huisman, Susie Hooper

Kyah Wiget Education Society – Priscilla Michell, Aaron Burgess

Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre – Nika Ewald

School Board of Trustees – Floyd Krishan, Kristina Graham

District Staff – Michael McDiarmid, Birdy Markert